If you’re excited about iPhone and MacBook and want to create apps for these and other Apple devices, you’re in for a treat with IOS programming courses.

About the course

Specifics of working with Swift

  • Memory management, reference and simple types;
  • Collections, functions, closures, classes, structures, protocols, extensions, and other syntactic sugar;
  • Basics of working with the interface;
  • Create applications using static design images specially developed by a talented designer for your tasks.


  • Auto Layout;
  • Create an interface using Storyboards;
  • Create an interface using code;
  • Also, choose your side in the Interface Builder vs Code UI quiz.


  • The basics of working with SwiftUI;
  • Planning and designing an application;
  • Adding functionality and interaction.

Working with the network

  • Receiving data from the network and processing it;
  • Create attractive and functional applications that meet the requirements of designers and APIs;
  • Testing and optimization.

Third-party libraries
Additional aspects